Title: Captain America #254 art by John Byrne | Number: | ||
Pedigree: | Grading Company: | Grade: | |
Type: Original Art | Page Color: | Publisher Date: 81//Marvel, 1980 | Price: $15,000.00 |
Description: To Battle Baron Blood! Original artwork for Captain America #254 (Marvel, 1980-81), page 4 by the legendary John Byrne (pencils) and Joe Rubinstein (inks). From part 2 of the epic saga entitled, "Blood on the Moors," plotted by John Byrne and scripted by Roger Stern. Considered by many as the BEST storyline for the short, yet spectacular Captain America series run by Byrne, this no-holds-barred battle issue centered around the Sentinel of Liberty going toe-to-toe with the evil Nazi vampire, Baron Blood. This is a terrific full-blown battle page from this key issue as Captain America faces off against his undead adversary, while trying to keep his friends from being murdered at the hands of this nefarious blood sucker.
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