Superman vs Captain Marvel Double page splash art by Rich Buckler
Title: Spider-Man Spectacular #1 art by Scott Koblish | Number: | ||
Pedigree: | Grading Company: | Grade: | |
Type: Original art | Page Color: | Publisher Date: Marvel, 2014 | Price: $1,995.00 |
Description: Original artwork for Spider-Man Spectacular #1 (Marvel, 2014) by Scott Koblish (pencils and inks). Stunning all-out battle-action page as Spidey faces off against his number one arch-foe, the Green Goblin as Aunt May looks on in terror. This scene is a homage to the death of the original Green Goblin from Amazing Spider-Man #122 (1973), as the cunning Goblin maneuvers his bat-glider to strike Spidey from behind like a ballistic missile, but the web-slinger is even faster, dodging=the deadly glider at the last possible moment as it crashes into the Goblin himself, knocking him out cold. Aunt May recoils in terror at the sight of her rescuer Spider-Man, mistakenly believing that the hero took the life of Uncle Ben. Great battle page with important historical homage. |
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